Saver's Sweepstakes
Win Prizes While You Save
Start to save with an extra incentive by opening an account that allows you to enter to win up to $5,000. The Saver’s Sweepstakes account allows you to build up your savings while entering you in the opportunity to win cash prizes on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.
How Saver’s Sweepstakes Works
An entry is created for each $25 increase in your month-over-month account balance in your Saver’s Sweepstakes account. Each entry allows you the chance to win:
- $25
- $50
- $100
- $500
- $1,000
- $5,000
These prize amounts constitute state wide and SCU specific awards. This ensures that exclusive awards will be paid out to SCU members on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. Reach out to SCU to speak with our team about opening a Saver’s Sweepstakes account today!
View Fee ScheduleSee Our RatesContact Us Online
Saver’s Sweepstakes Rules and Entry Limits
Prized-linked accounts are not authorized in all states, therefore only eligible members who are residents of Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Illinois qualify for a Saver’s Sweepstakes Account. Minors do not qualify for the Saver’s Sweepstakes Account.
Limits on the number of entries are as follows: 6 entries maximum for monthly drawings, 18 entries maximum for quarterly drawings, 72 entries maximum for annual drawing.
See the our current terms and conditions by clicking on the following:
Saver's Sweepstakes Account Agreement
Saver's Sweepstakes Truth-in-Savings Agreement
Saver's Sweepstakes Electronic Funds Transfer Agreement
Federally insured by NCUA.