Choose the Savings that Works for You
SCU Savings Accounts
You have options when it comes to your savings accounts at SCU. Every person has different savings goals and different needs from their savings account. At SCU we offer multiple savings accounts for you to choose from, each offering its own benefits.
Share Savings | Youth Savings | Piggy Bank | Security Money Market | Saver's Sweepstakes | Christmas Club |
Piggy Bank Savings
Save for a specific goal, vacation, emergency, bill, etc. Save your way with a Piggy Banks Savings.

Security Money Market
The more you save the more you earn. Keep a higher balance and earn a higher dividend rate with the Secuirty Money Market.
Complete Our Account Application
To begin the process, complete the Deposit Account Application by clicking the button below. If you have any questions call (715) 346-6534 to reach one of our member service representatives to discuss the account process.